Friday, April 10, 2009

Hello BAF'ers

First, I would like to thank all of you for standing next to me throughout all of the polls and posts it truly means alot. Since no more poll will be going on I will be keeping you updated with my sex life on the blog. I would like to thank Jake for pushing me daily to have sex, Todd for being a grandfather like figure to so many young boarders out there (sorry to hear about your ankle, at least it wasn't your hip though), and to all the rest of the Fuckers for being great friends through the thick and thin.

Well I'm boardasfuck so I will leave you with this hot lil video straight of the press. enjoy. and our new special advertisement.
-Donimal, D-town, cannonball, DJ don, the Don, Donny
Video will be back soon sorry


curtis said...

I think i like the jake valtrex add more.

Kari said...

Nice video Don.