Where do you BAF'ers want to party!!!!
A. Tyler's House
B. Prineville Reservoir Camp-out w/ the pussy cat and other boats with fat sacks and tuna towers.
C. Wall Street. (Sam "Shark" Hiltner will be there for sure)
D. Elk Lake Sailtilla.
E. Float Life to Torcom's Bar.
F. I don't live in Oregon, but I will have a satellite party.
Pick your spot (A. through F.)in the comments!
G. float life , kick ball ,bbq then Torcom's bar , i'd say tylers aka my house but i doubt he'll be down!!!
hahah is that the chick that noah brought down from portland?
option F, rolling house party in Venice.
Option F confirming the Montana booby party most likely on a boat.
E. Float life to gang bang in the loft.
pink sock party ! love tr
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