Friday, August 14, 2009

Shark Week Post #4

The Donimal. "that shit ripped my mind".

My best Donimal impression.

I see dead people.

BW Vice on the hula.

Kristen surfing the stairs, Donny time traveling.

Face Down.

Curtis Ciszek, Shaka in the tube...

Standard cock on face if you pass out with your shoes on.
Worst night of Donny's life.


Donny said...

you know we post stuff of me, when i'm not completely waisted. I have gotten three phone calls from that show intervention over this post...

Donny said...
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trichards said...

you know donny, you really lucky that the post where the actual flesh dong was on you face got deleted. it looked a lot like the scene in the credits of the hangover, except you were the hooker.

trichards said...
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