Wednesday, April 1, 2009

End of an Era for the Donimal?

Big news this Week! Donny Stevens finally launched his meat rocket into a pink taco. 30 Seconds of pure glory. This means the end of "THE DONNY POLL™". I'm so glad, we were obviously running out of ideas. CONGRATS DONNY!
Keep the streak going.....

Here are the results of the worse Donny Poll yet.... I think I was under the influence when I wrote it because it makes no sense.


Anonymous said...

did he really get laid how come there isn't pictures of the girl

curtis said...

Well its becuase no one has a camera that is fish eyed enough to fit her fat ass in one photo..... hahaha no i have no idea who it is...

Unknown said...

wow thanks clint.

Anonymous said...

im thinking this is like an april fools joke

Anonymous said...

april fools!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Any one confirm that it was even a girl?