Monday, February 16, 2009

i was kidnapped by hezbollah and all i got was this lousy t shirt

short version -ended up in the part of beirut that no american should ever set foot in -let alone shoot photos in like i did. blacked out, unregistered benzes pull up, guns come out, we're escorted to interrogation house, go in, take off shoes, they take all our shit, ask us questions in arabic, get all of our info, everything, take us from there to restaurant back room, very sketchy, interrogation continues for a few more hours, finally ends in them giving us our stuff back and letting us go. they kept all memory cards though. keep in mind, they spoke arabic the whole time, were wearing street clothes, had guns, and looked crazy. it was intense/interesting

java- solomon team manager


Anonymous said...

Todd...get a clue....come home

trichards said...

um, that wasnt me toolio. i was the one in the plane incident